Marriage Investment the Game (In Person)
This is a great way to build ONE enriching life existing in TWO persons.
A game for spouses to play
A communication tool to strengthen your marriage
Let’s play!
From this point refer to Marriage Investment as (MI). It’s no secret code it could be the special language you use for intimate & confidential reasons.
MI was created in 2001. We made several hundred cards in 2002. Diane and I were united on June 25, 1983.
As we grew in our marriage and began meeting with other couples we discovered a plethora of things going on in the lives of married people (A to Z, ups and downs, highs and lows, issues, circumstances, challenges, isolation → separation → divorce notice the order those surviving and those THRIVING).
For most of our married life we have not sat on the sideline; rather we have lived in the trenches with many families doing what’s necessary to encourage: discovering the plan for marriage/family, maximizing potential so purposeful destiny is achieved.